Clearwater Revival Company Begins Participation in NSCMP Core Group
November 2000
Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program (NSCMP) asked The Keystone Center, a non-profit organization that works as a third-party neutral facilitator, to develop a public involvement mechanism that brings together various individuals who can share their perspectives with the NSCMP as it moves toward disposal of chemical materiel now located at non-stockpile sites. This effort is called the NCSMP Core Group.
Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program (NSCMP) mission.
The mission of the Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program is to dispose of non-stockpile chemical materiel in a safe and effective manner. In order to do so, the NSCMP stresses the importance of engaging a spectrum of individuals and organizations that are involved in and potentially affected by the disposal of chemical materiel.
Core Group Objectives.
The Core Group's objectives are to:
- Support development of safe, environmentally sound, cost-effective, and publicly acceptable NSCMP disposal technologies, policies, and practices;
- Promote cooperative working relationships among citizens, regulators, NSCMP, and other related Department of Defense Offices; and
- Exchange information and opinions about areas of high concern to NSCMP and other stakeholders within the scope of NSCMP responsibilities.
The Core Group does not have the authority to make decisions for NSCMP. Rather, the Core Group provides input, exchanges information and views and undertakes initiatives to promote cooperative working relationships among stakeholders.
Core Group Membership.
Core Group members are selected by the Keystone Center.
In order to provide a balanced perspective, the following types of interests are represented on the Core Group:
- the Program Manager for the Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program and other NSCMP staff;
- state regulators with a particular interest in NSCMP issues;
- Environmental Protection Agency representatives concerned with NSCMP issues;
- Community and environmental activists concerned with non-stockpile chemical materiel issues, particularly those who live near a non-stockpile site; and
- other Department of Defense programs such as the Corps of Engineers and Installation personnel.
Core Group Subcommittees.
Subcommittees are formed by the Core Group from time to time, to address specific issues. Subcommittees report to the Core Group and may include individuals who are not on the Core Group.
Core Group meetings are held two to four times each year at different locations around the country. The meetings are open to the public. Opportunities for members of the public to address the Core Group are provided at designated times during Core Group meetings.
For information regarding the Core Group or other NSCMP public involvement activities, call or email NSCMP Public Outreach and Information Officer Louise Dyson at the phone number or email listed below.
For More Information about the NSCMP Core Group in particular contact the NSCMP Public Outreach and Information Office or the Keystone Center.
NSCMP Public Outreach and Information Officer
Louise Dyson
Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program
U.S. Army
Building E4585
APG, MD 21010-4005
Phone: 410-436-3445
Fax: 410-436-8737
e-mail: Louise.dyson@pmcd.apgea.army.mil
The Keystone Center
Janesse Brewer
1628 Sts. John Road
Keystone, CO 80435
Phone: 800-842-7485, extension 5847
Fax: 970-262-0152
e-mail: jbrewer@keystone.org
Core Group Members and Activities:
If you would like to receive a list of Core Group members, or periodic updates about the activities of the NSCMP Core Group through the mailing list, please call or email Stephanie Cheval of The Keystone Center at 800-842-7485 extension 5837 or scheval@keystone.org, or Louise Dyson.