Lights, Cameras, 75,000 Tons of Garbage
Apr. 28 (ALAMEDA, CA) What percentage of the demolition debris from the Matrix 2 sets (which includes a three miles long mock freeway) will be diverted from landfills? Is the city ignoring EIR mitigation measures, leasing requirements and State laws that require recycling of demolition debris to the maximum extent that is practical? For more details check out the April 2001 Environmental Justice Progress Report . |
Audubon Trashes Navy Landfill Study
Mar. 14 (ALAMEDA, CA) Experts hired by the Golden Gate Audubon Society to review the Navy's Remedial Investigation of the Site 2 Landfill recommended a new draft of the report be prepared to address the flawed analyses. The Navy has agreed to the recommendation but the Restoration Advisory Board is not happy. Many expressed concerns about the delays in the cleanup schedules caused by the poor quality report. Check out the March 2001 edition of the Environmental Justice Progess Report for more details. |
Stars and Stripes
JAN 31 (JAPAN) The newspaper Stars and Stripes reports that contamination exists at all U.S. military bases and highlights Alameda Naval Air Station as an example. Link to the Stars and Stripes report here. |
Last Update: 6/01/2001
Clearwater Revival
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