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 Brownfields: Comments on Catellus EIR: Project Alternative

Catellus EIR

 Cover Letter
  Project Alternative
 Analysis Failures
 Deferred Mitigations
 Report Organization
 Land Use
 Population and Housing
 Air Quality
 Public Services
 Drainage and Hydrology


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The EIR is required to evaluate alternatives to the proposed Catellus Project to determine if an environmentally superior project alternative exists. When the Notice of Preparation of the Catellus EIR was published in November 1999, a number of members of the community requested that an the EIR consider an alternative to the demolition of East Housing.

The EIR did consider two alternatives that evaluated the impacts from reoccupying the 590 housing units in the East Housing area. However, these two alternatives were coupled with uses on the 155 acre warehouse area that created impacts far greater than the proposed Catellus project. A more specific LOCAL WORKFORCE ALTERNATIVE PROJECT was developed to specify the uses on the 155 acres of warehouse property that should be evaluated in an alternative that proposes reoccupation of East Housing.

In January 2000, Renewed HOPE Housing Advocates, East Bay Housing Organizations, ARC Ecology and Clearwater Revival Co. proposed the LOCAL WORKFORCE ALTERNATIVE PROJECT as detailed in the following comments, submitted to the City of Alameda, on the Catellus Mixed-use Development EIR.



The two alternatives included in the EIR that would not demolish East Housing are both unsatisfactory. The Reoccupation Alternative does not address Project goals to implement APIP and BWIP redevelopment goals or the Community Reuse Plan. The Increased Housing Alternative predictably overwhelms road capacity. The EIR ignores the proposal for Work Force housing submitted in response to the Notice of Preparation by the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC).

In view of the unmitigatable impacts of the Proposed Project and the unacceptability of the alternatives, we are requesting that the following LOCAL WORK FORCE ALTERNATIVE PROJECT be fully analyzed by the Final EIR.

The LOCAL WORK FORCE ALTERNATIVE PROJECT has the following features:

Additional analysis Required: Evaluate the impacts and necessary mitigations of the proposed LOCAL WORK FORCE ALTERNATIVE PROJECT. In particular, consider the ability of the proposed alternative to address impacts that are not fully mitigated by the Proposed Project, including loss of housing units, traffic and circulation, regional air emissions, generation of solid waste, and cumulative regional housing.

Cover Letter - Project Alternative - Analysis Failures - Deferred Mitigations
Report Organization - Land Use - Population and Housing - Traffic - Air Quality
Public Services - Noise - Drainage and Hydrology - Hazards

© 2000 Clearwater Revival Company
January 31, 2000