The Draft FOST states in Section 5.0 that, "the presence of the Marsh Crust requires permanent institutional controls," and that the City of Alameda has developed an ordinance which, "satisfies the need for institutional controls on the Marsh Crust." In Section 7, the only restrictions placed upon the property relate to groundwater. Thus, the FOST presumes that the City ordinance satisfies the Navy's responsibility to establish institutional controls (ICs) for soil contamination at these parcels.
However, this is not in conformance with DoD's FOST guidance. The DoD's Guidance on the Environmental Review Process to Reach a Finding of Suitability to Transfer, states that transfer deeds should include, "Prohibiting activities that could disrupt any remediation activities or jeopardize the protectiveness of those remediation activities..." Based upon this guidance, the FOST should include restrictions for soil excavations in the East Housing area.
In addition, DoD's Guide to Establishing Institutional Controls at Closing Military Installations recommends that public notice mechanisms be developed in order to maintain effective ICs. Regarding excavation controls at the East Housing area, the Navy should also include a program of ongoing public notice. This program should be funded by the Navy and should be delegated to the City. It should include the establishment and maintenance of warning signs, as well as, a yearly notice letter to property owners and renters.